Senses in control is in Wisdom


Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Shloka 61:

तानि सर्वाणि संयम्य युक्त आसीत मत्परः।
वशे हि यस्येन्द्रियाणि तस्य प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठिता॥

Tāni sarvāṇi saṁyamya yukta āsīta mat-paraḥ
Vaśe hi yasyendriyāṇi tasya prajñā pratiṣṭhitā

Having restrained all the senses, one should sit firmly in meditation, being steadfastly devoted to Me. One whose senses are under control is firmly established in wisdom.

This shloka emphasizes self-control and the power of focusing the mind on a higher goal. By mastering one’s senses and aligning oneself with divine consciousness (or higher wisdom), one achieves clarity and stability of thought. It underlines the importance of discipline and devotion as pathways to wisdom and spiritual realization.