Osho vs Krishnamurthy
Osho vs Krishnamurthy
Here is the improved flowchart with better spacing to avoid overlapping text. It visually maps out the perspectives of Osho and Krishnamurti, highlighting:
- Truth as the central authority.
- Osho’s view: The Guru embodies Truth, using playful and urgent methods.
- Krishnamurti’s view: No authority should be given to individuals, emphasizing direct inquiry.
Common essence: Both teachings converge on the principle that Truth is the only real authority.
- Misunderstandings:
- Osho’s approach risks personality worship.
- Krishnamurti’s followers risk elevating the ego as the authority.
- Resolution: Achieving a complementary understanding between the two methods.
- Acharya Prashant: Integrates both approaches, balancing seriousness with humor and intellectual engagement.