

Chapter - 1

verses 42 to 43

Here are the Bhagavad Gita verses 1.42 to 1.43 along with their translations:

Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 1, Verse 42 (1.42)
सङ्करो नरकायैव कुलघ्नानां कुलस्य च। पतन्ति पितरो ह्येषां लुप्तपिण्डोदकक्रिया:॥

Saṅkaro narakāyaiva kula-ghnānāṁ kulasya cha, Patanti pitaro hyeṣhāṁ lupta-piṇḍodaka-kriyāḥ.

“Such intermixture of castes leads the family and the destroyers of the family to hell. Deprived of the offerings of food and water, the ancestors of such families also fall from their heavenly position.”

Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 1, Verse 43 (1.43)
दोषैरेतै: कुलघ्नानां वर्णसङ्करकारकै:। उत्साद्यन्ते जातिधर्मा: कुलधर्माश्च शाश्वता:॥

Doṣhair etaiḥ kula-ghnānāṁ varṇa-saṅkara-kārakaiḥ, Utsādyante jāti-dharmāḥ kula-dharmāśh cha śhāśhvatāḥ.

“Due to the sins of those who destroy the family and cause caste intermingling, the eternal religious duties of both the family and the community are ruined.”

In these verses, Arjuna laments the social and spiritual consequences of the battle. He expresses concern that the destruction of families will lead to the breakdown of societal order and traditions, causing misfortune for both the living and the ancestors.