

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2 (Sankhya Yoga), verses 2.4–2.6, along with their translation:

Verse 2.4
अर्जुन उवाच
कथं भीष्ममहं सङ्ख्ये द्रोणं च मधुसूदन |
इषुभिः प्रतियोत्स्यामि पूजार्हावरिसूदन ||

Arjuna said:
“O Madhusudana (Krishna), how can I fight against Bhishma and Drona in battle with arrows, especially when they are worthy of my worship, O Arisudana (destroyer of enemies)?”

Verse 2.5
गुरूनहत्वा हि महानुभावान् श्रेयो भोक्तुं भैक्ष्यमपीह लोके |
हत्वार्थकामांस्तु गुरूनिहैव भुञ्जीय भोगान् रुधिरप्रदिग्धान् ||

“It is better to live in this world by begging than to kill these great souls, my teachers. Even if I kill them, all my worldly enjoyments will be stained with their blood.”

Verse 2.6
न चैतद्विद्मः कतरन्नो गरीयो यद्वा जयेम यदि वा नो जयेयुः |
यानेव हत्वा न जिजीविषामस्- तेऽवस्थिताः प्रमुखे धार्तराष्ट्राः ||
“We do not know which is better — to conquer them or be conquered by them. Even after killing them, we would not wish to live, as they stand before us, the sons of Dhritarashtra, whom we would not want to slay.”

These verses capture Arjuna’s inner turmoil as he hesitates to engage in battle, seeing his elders and beloved teachers among his opponents. His confusion reflects the moral dilemma he faces between duty (dharma) and attachment.